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Dixons Music Primary

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Humaira Batool

Assistant Principal

Humaira graduated from the University of Derby with a Bachelor of Education degree (B Ed Hons, QTS), with a specialism in English. This was followed by a Masters Degree (M Ed), through The Open University.

Humaira taught a Reception/Year One class in a suburban school in Derby for a year, before moving to Bradford. She worked for a number of years as a Maths Lead and Assistant Principal for a Multi-Academy Trust in the heart of Bradford. During this time, Humaira completed a Maths Specialist Teacher course (MaST) at Sheffield Hallam University and worked as a Specialist Leader of Education, supporting leadership teams with improving the Maths provision at their schools.

Humaira joined Dixons Music Primary in August 2019 as a Year 6 teacher and Oracy Lead. She secured her current role of Associate Assistant Principal (Maths) in August 2020, followed by Key Stage Two Lead in January 2022.

Currently, Humaira leads on Personal Developemnt and STEM across the academy and is also Phase 2 lead. She is also a key member of the Trust's Anti-Racism Cross Cutting Team.